Oge Okoh
Holistic Massage / Indian Head Massage / Aromatherapy / Reflexology / Lymphatic Drainage Sports Massage / Reiki / Angelic Light Healing / Pet Healing / Onsite (Chair) Massage

I have been a practising therapist, Reiki Master and healer for over 17 years, and have worked in gyms, spas, offices, events, and private homes.
I am currently tutor coordinator for the Wellbeing department at City Lit college, and I also teach ITEC massage (including anatomy, physiology and pathology), Reiki and other bodywork courses there.
Because of my personal experience of recovering from a mystery illness which doctors were unable to diagnose using a combination of healing and nutrition, I have a profound interest in integrated holistic healing. I believe persistent physical problems can be caused at a fundamental level by emotional/energetic imbalances in the emotional /energetic field. So, I not only treat the outward symptoms of disease, but aim to treat the whole person, tailoring my treatments to their individual needs.
Over the last 6 years, I have developed Angelic light healing with the help of my guides/angels. It is a targeted healing practice (expanded from my Reiki practice) which uses light channelled from angels and other light beings to treat acute conditions such as wounds or deep emotional blockages.
I also practice pet healing, particularly cats and dogs - distance or home visits only.
I am a member of the Complementary Therapists Association and I am fully insured with them.
Indian head massage
A relaxing seated massage of the face, head, neck and shoulders developed from Ayurvedic principles. It is done fully clothed, and is very useful for headaches and migraines, mental stress, and hair growth, due to the increased flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the head.
Benefits of Indian head massage include pain relief, improved flexibility, stress relief, relief from insomnia, eyestrain, sinusitis and related conditions, improved concentration and mental alertness, reduced anxiety, and increased feelings of wellbeing
30 minutes - £35
Discount available with a course of 5 or more treatments
Reiki (pronounced ray-key), literally translated, means universal life force. It is a hands-on healing technique originating from Japan, that combines ki - the life force that is present in all things - with the warmth, reassurance and healing power of the human touch.
It is a simple, effective and safe way of promoting healing, relaxation, stress relief and wellbeing, as it supports the body's natural ability to heal itself. Reiki is not based on any religion, belief system or dogma, but rather empowers you to find your own personal connection to the divine.
Benefits of Reiki include relaxation, stress & pain relief, improved mental clarity and sleep patterns, and increased energy. Most people experience a profound feeling of calm, peace and relaxation, often drifting into sleep, and feel light and energised on waking.
30 minutes- £35
60 minutes- £70
15% Discount on a course of 5 or more treatments
One of the oldest forms of natural medicine, reflexology is a deeply relaxing, therapeutic, and very effective treatment, based on the premise that every organ and gland in the body can be mapped out on the feet.
Benefits of reflexology include, stress and pain relief, especially back pain, increased nerve stimulation, improved joint mobility, removal of toxins from body, re-balancing of hormones, relaxation, improved sleep patterns, improved circulation and mood.
Reflexology is a wonderfully versatile, non-invasive therapy that will leave you feeling refreshed and energised.
55 minutes - £60
Discount available with a course of 5 or more treatments
Holistic massage
Based on traditional Swedish massage, it is a combination of Swedish and deep tissue massage that relaxes and energises the body, improves muscle tone, and boosts immunity and circulation. The amount of deep tissue work included is led by clients’ needs and preference.
Benefits of holistic massage include pain relief, improved mobility and flexibility, improved energy levels, stress relief, improved concentration and sleep patterns, and increased feelings of well-being.
30 minutes - £35
60 minutes - £70
90 minutes - £100
Discount available with a course of 5 or more treatments
Sports massage
A deep, invigorating massage using specific techniques to treat sports & other injuries eg: whiplash, tennis elbow, shin splints, RSI etc.
It can be used before sport to improve performance, and after sport to ease pain, remove lactic acid, stretch and tone muscles, and prevent injury. Sports massage also incorporates deep stretches to improve suppleness and flexibility.
Benefits include improved flexibility, injury prevention, improved performance, pain relief, stress relief and relaxation.
30 minutes - £35
60 minutes - £70
90 minutes - £100
Discount available with a course of 5 or more treatments
Aromatherapy is an ancient therapy that uses the therapeutic properties of essential plant and flower oils to rebalance and revitalise the body and mind. A combination of essential oils are blended together in a carrier oil, and used to provide a soothing body massage.
Benefits of Aromatherapy include; stress and pain relief, improved muscle tone and mobility, improved circulation and lymphatic flow, and relief from specific ailments due to particular oils being used for different complaints; Lavender is antiseptic and calming, peppermint is digestive and warming etc. The beautiful smells of the oils also help to uplift and relax you.
30 minutes - £40
60 minutes - £75
90 minutes - £105
Discount available with a course of 5 or more treatments
Lymphatic drainage
A very light but powerfully cleansing treatment that helps clear areas of congestion and stagnation in the body. It is a soothing treatment that promotes the healthy functioning of the lymphatic system (which cleans waste and toxins from the body), and stimulates the body's natural defence mechanisms.
It can help with fluid retention, cellulite, headaches, puffiness, and muscle stiffness. Lymphatic drainage is very effective in the treatment of skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. It also boosts the body's immune system.
A full body treatment lasts for 2 hours, due to the slow, gentle nature of the massage, but this is not often necessary, as it can be used on specific areas of the body such as the legs where oedema is present, or in conjunction with other types of massage.
Benefits of lymphatic drainage massage include, stress relief, removal of metabolic waste, toxins and excess fluid from the body, relief from allergies, sinusitis and pre-menstrual tension, reduced inflammation, improved tissue regeneration, and pain relief.
30 minutes (face) - £40
60 minutes - £80
2 hours full body- £140
Discount available with a course of 5 or more treatments
Onsite (chair) Massage
Based on Japanese shiatsu pressure points, this invigorating massage is done on a specially designed massage chair with client fully clothed. Chair massage concentrates on the back, shoulders, neck and arms, and is an energising and revitalising treatment that relaxes without causing drowsiness. It can also be useful for tension headaches.
Benefits of chair massage include, stress and pain relief, improved mental clarity, improved energy and circulation, improved joint mobility, and increased physical and emotional wellbeing.
15 minutes- £20
30 minutes- £35
45 minutes- £50
Discount available with a course of 5 or more treatments
Angelic light healing
This is a targeted healing technique using light of various colours channelled from Archangels and other light beings to aid healing and/or actively remove blockages, heal wounds and reduce pain.
Many healers use light, especially to balance chakras, but I developed this specific targeted healing technique with guidance from the many light beings I am privileged to work with. I generally incorporate it into a Reiki healing session, as it can be quite intense (though never painful), and because it is targeted, is generally done in short bursts of approximately 15 minutes.
Angelic light healing is highly effective, non-invasive, and comforting and I am excited to offer this unique form of healing!
Initial consultation- Free
15 minutes- £30
30 minutes- £60
75 minutes with Reiki- £100
Discount available with a course of 5 or more treatments
Pet healing
Pets love Reiki and can really benefit from it, as it is gentle, comforting, non-invasive and effective. Furthermore, it has no side effects. If the animal does not want it, they will simply walk away. Please contact me for more details.
You can Reiki pets for anything from anxiety to injury, or simply to balance or relax them.
I have treated everything from ear mites to poison to open cuts to petrol burns. It is a slightly slower process than a vet visit, but infinitely less stressful to the animal and definitely less toxic as no drugs are involved. Also, there is very little appetite loss if any, and physical energy returns much quicker.
I am by no means advocating not taking your pet to the vet. They do wonderful work and some things can only be treated by them, but if you can avoid taking your pet in for minor problems, they will definitely thank you for it! Especially cats (as most cat owners will know!)
I offer distance pet healing or home visits.
15 minutes- £20
30 minutes- £40
Longer sessions by arrangement.
Cheque or Cash only. Please cancel 24 hours before appointment or you may be charged the full amount. Email timetherapies@gmail.com or telephone 07538 194204 to book an appointment
Introductory offer for October - 15% off first treatment
Book a course of 6 treatments and the 6th one is free.