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Mark Skivington

Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage

Mark has a longstanding interest in health and wellbeing, and initially trained as a Psychotherapist, still using these skills today to relate and advise his clients on best practice for healthy living.

Mark followed his passion for training and marathon running, and felt his transition into becoming a Sports Massage therapist was quite natural.

Mark is committed to empowering his clients and getting them actively involved in the resolution of their symptoms, from tight knotted shoulders, to sciatica, running injuries and general De-stressing Deep tissue Massage.

Sports Massage is proven to lead to improved Mobility , Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation.
Massage can reduce tight, knotted tired muscles, giving you the re-set you need to start moving and enjoy being active again.

Mark is proven with over eleven years of helping people improve a range of issues and is trained to Level 5 which is the highest in his field.


For more information or to book an appointment please contact Mark via email or telephone: 07985 58 55 87

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